Sunday, October 16, 2005

In Leadership Do Not Engage or Condone - Office Yelling

One of the 8-Core Stategies in The Achievement Gym (TAG) is titled "Lead a Championship Support Team." We just finished reviewing that strategy with TAG members and one of the philosophies I taught everyone was "The Platinum Rule." (see previous blog posting for details)

"The Platinum Rule" states, 'treat others as they want to be treated.' If this philosophy is followed I really would doubt that those TAG members in leadership positions would not be participating in, or condoning among team members, critical yelling at others in an office setting.

Much to my chagrin, I learned this week that I've failed in this regard. There is not just one member of the TAG program who is challenged by an office in which significant and impactful yelling takes place. Some of the yelling is perpetrated by this leader, and some of it is perpetrated by team members between team members. In both situations the yelling is in the open and is easily experienced by anyone, including customers (if any are in the office at the time), within earshot.

This type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable, and in an office filled with adult employees is unbelievable, as far as I'm concerned.

If you are a leader of your organization, you must be able to master your emotions (see TAG Strategy #7-Mastering Your Emotions & Breaking Through Fears), and model the behavior you expect from the members of your team.

If you are a leader who doesn't yell, but who allows yelling to take place by and between team members, you have, or will have soon a serious morale problem on the staff. This type of behavior must be nipped in the bud immediately and new ways of dealing with conflict must be created and positively reinforced.

If you presently work in an office that has blow ups between team members that affect the work environment, I'd love to hear from you. Please e-mail me with your situation so we can work on ways to address the challenge.

Please e-mail me at