Saturday, April 22, 2006

I feel different today

Less than two full days since the big event and I feel different. I felt different all day on Friday, actually, too.

It's a air of confidence I didn't have before. I really feel like a different person. I'm now looking for other opportunities to play out and identifying the next songs I want to learn to perform live. It's a new exciting part of my life. I think that's a given, but I really believe it is spilling over to my business as well.

Yesterday I felt really confident about the direction my business is headed, and some of the business opportunities that are starting to come my way. I don't think that's a coincidence, I believe that the confidence created by stepping out of my comfort zone and becoming a musician (a new identity I believe I'm now creating within myself) has opened me up to stepping out of my comfort zone and doing more courageous things in my business.

This is a great thing on a number of levels. The most important of which, though, is the fact that I've been touting a theory in my coaching practice that confidence in one context of your life or business can be used to create confidence in other areas to give you a jump start to getting to the next level, even though you may not possess all the knowledge and skill necessary to be experienced, you still have enough to put yourself out there and begin gaining even more experience.

So, I think my experience this week is reinforcing that belief. Something I'll keep tabs on in the coming weeks and give you an update as we move forward.

'Til Next Time...