Third Quarter Check-up - Are You On Pace to Achieve Your 2005 Goals?
Last weekend I went on my annual business planning retreat to get away for three days to evaluate where The Achievement Gym is going over the next 1-3 years. As part of that evaluation I spend a significant amount of time reviewing my financial performance through the first three-quarters of the year.
I evaluate my 2005 budget (which was created in August, 2004 at last year’s retreat), vs. the year-to-date actual performance.What I learned in that exercise was that so far through 75% of this year, my business is 80% towards the budgeted revenue goal for the year.
So, how is your business going with 75% of the year now behind us? Are you at least 75% towards your goals? How is the year going for you so far? Spend some time this week evaluating where you are at in regards to your goals for the first 3 quarters of the year.
What are the key performance indicators for your business that you track regularly? Some areas to consider may be:
Marketing Expense ROI
Prospect List development
New Clients / Customers generated
Vacation time proposed / taken / remaining
If you’re not taking time to evaluate your business, make it a MUST for 2006. Schedule, between now and the end of the year, a minimum of one full weekend away from the office to focus on creating your business for 2006 the way you want it to be.
Create that powerful 1 & 3 Year vision and begin moving your business towards it today. If you would like to learn more about how I spent my time during my 2005 business planning retreat, e-mail me at, and I’ll send you a copy of my weekend agenda/itinerary to use as a model.
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