Sunday, May 22, 2005

Keep Your Eye On Your Goals

Last week I achieved a goal that has been a long time coming, proving to me once again that power of goal setting works. Some times it works sooner rather than later, but if you are committed enough to your goal it always works.

The goal was to be hired for an out of town speaking engagement for which I would be paid a speaking fee as well as have all my expenses paid. I set this goal back in 1998 when I first decided I wanted to be a public speaker and began attending Toastmaster meetings to work on my speaking skills. Just about every day since that day back in 1998, I've been working towards this goal.

The first time I proclaimed this goal to someone other than myself, was about 15 months ago, and I truly believe that was the catalyst that set the process of attraction in motion. I was delivering a training program on peak performance to a team of 16 insurance agents, and to inspire my students to set powerful goals, I led the way sharing my goal with them. At the time, I set it to be a 90-day goal and was hoping to have it fulfilled by June, 2004.

Although that time frame wasn't meant to be, as some other business building priorities got in the way, the goal was never far from my focus. Around that same time, I also shared my goal with a mastermind group of coaches with which I speak every week. Little did I know but those two small proclamations beyond myself set the wheels in motion for the fulfillment of that goal.

Last week, about 11 months later than I had originally planned, my goal came true in a big way, as I agreed to not just one paid speaking engagement outside of my area, but two.

Here are my keys to achieving the goals you set for yourself;
1) Be very clear on what you want, and communicate the goal in very specific terms;
2) Tell someone other than yourself (it puts the energy to achieve that goal into the universe and the law of attraction begins to work its magic);
3) Be committed to achieving the goal, and understand that it may not happen in the time frame you originally planned, but that if you keep working towards it, it will happen;
4) Always be willing to evaluate your progress and be open to making changes, and adjustments to your approach to move you closer;
5) Be open to asking for help, no one can succeed alone.
6) Know "WHY" you want to achieve the goal - the "Meaning & Purpose" you place on achieving your goal will keep you moving forward when the going gets tough.

Those are the six rules for goal setting, I've used to achieve every goal in my life, here are some of them:

1. Made my high school varsity baseball team as a sophomore after not making it as a freshman;
2. Became a professional sportscaster, producing and announcing football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey games while in college;
3. Received an internship with a minor league professional baseball team;
5. Became a General Manager of my own minor league baseball team in my 5th season in the game;
6. Achieved partnership/ownership status of my own minor league baseball team 5 years from the time of becoming a general manager;
7. Started a new minor league baseball team and helped the community to build the stadium that would be the team's home (the ulimate dream of every minor league baseball administrator);
8. Opened my own business 2 1/2 years from the day I decided to do so;
9. Joined the National Speakers Association at the end of my 2nd year in business for myself;
10. Contracted for a paid speaking engagement with all expenses paid for a conference outside of my local region;
11. Generated $100,000 in gross sales for my business in just my third year in business.

In looking back on those accomplishments, I hear a voice in the back of my mind saying, "If I knew then, what I know now...I would have set my sights even higher."

What about you? Are you setting your goals high enough? Many people don't set their goals high enough because they think they're going to have to work too hard to achieve them. But the truth of the matter is that you are going to work just as hard whether you set goals or not, so you might set powerful goals, and go for it. If you do, and you keep your eye consistently on the goals, the principle of attraction will bring them to you.

So, if you knew you could attract any goal into your life, what would you choose?

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