Monday, April 18, 2005

Embracing Responsibility

Remember the phrase "Sticks & stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me."? That is a statement I do not agree with. I believe that names, and/or words, are very powerful and do hurt us.

Time, and time again, words are at the core of our greatest successes and or our most devastating setbacks. So, from time to time I'm going to examine some words that have power if we use them properly and can be magnets for our momentum.

The first word I want to take a look at is - "Responsible." This is a very heavy word. Notice when you think of the word "responsible" how much weight is placed on our shoulders. Almost as soon as we realize we are "responsible" for something notice how and where the stress starts. Many people spend their entire lives avoiding being "responsible" for anything.

Now, one way to almost immediately change the meaning of words is to break them down into their derivative. When we do this with "responsible" we break it down into the two words that make it up. This automatically shifts the meaning of it and releases much, if not all of the weight, like this:

Responsible = Response Able - meaning that no matter what happens, or what is thrust upon you by others, or when life throws you one of its challenges, you are always "able to respond."

Embracing that meaning for being "responsible" will allow you to move forward and get out of that stuck state. In one recent coaching session, I made this point with a member of The Achievement Gym, and he responded this way: "Looking at being responsible in this way gives me the sense that I'm in control, and makes it an "action" as opposed to an "emotion."

Think of the emotion you have tied to being "responsible" and how it has a tendency to keep you stuck, then apply this new approach, and new meaning. Let me know how it works for you.

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