Saturday, April 16, 2005

Not Enough Time? Set Better Boundaries - Part 3

The Power of Saying "NO"

It's time to close out this topic on setting boundaries. It was quite timely this week that members of The Achievement Gym Coaching program participated in workshops for the program's Strategy 2 - "Time Management & Finding the Time for It." You see, I believe much of our "Time Management" issues are due to a lack of "setting boundaries," with others, and most importantly with "ourselves."

It was "Poor Richard" of Poor Richard's Almanac, who many years ago said, "We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly."

"Poor Richard" was basically saying that if we could better say "no" and set better boundaries with ourselves we would have less idleness, and engage in less "folly," thus experiencing a less "taxing" life, both in terms of time and finances. Is this something you are willing to consider, and see value in? In Part 1 of this topic in the July 15th debut edition of Momentumâ„¢, I provided a series of questions to evaluate your present situation with setting boundaries. The last question had to do with setting boundaries with ourselves.

In the workshop this week that included 9 TAG members we entered a discussion as to the meaning of "setting boundaries with ourselves."

One member mentioned that he chose to set the boundary with himself of leaving his cell phone in the car, so he wouldn't be tempted and distracted by looking at it for messages.
I mentioned my continual struggle to set the boundary of turning my laptop off and keeping it off my lap when I'm home in the evenings or on the weekends (it's still a challenge as I'm writing some of this on a weekend, but I have a good reason you'll read about later.)

David Allen, the productivity guru, who wrote, "The Art of Stress Free Productivity" wrote an article for Fast Company a couple of years ago called, "You Can Do Anything, But Not Everything!" Which, the basic premise is, we have to begin making decisions and set some boundaries if we want to stop running ourselves senseless.

To get out of this rat race, and set better boundaries with ourselves and others, take a moment to identify the "most important" roles in your life at the moment, the top 6 at most, and decide how you could better fulfill those roles, if you said "no" to other things that are just "folly" and "distractions" that really don't add value to your life and business.

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Good Luck!