Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mastermind Your Way to Success

Every day more and more I become convinced in the power of the Mastermind concept as a way to more quickly create the level of success you desire for your business.

The concept of the Mastermind Group was first put forth by Napoleon Hill in his now famous book "Think & Grow Rich." Hill defined the Mastermind as "the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose in the spirit of harmony."

When I went through my training with Anthony Robbins one of his steps to success including "creating a supportive environment." I would say there is no better way to create a supportive environment, and rapidly move towards the success you desire than to surround yourself with like minded individuals who you like and trust while also respecting their knowledge and expertise, with whom you can coordinate efforts towards a mutual definite purpose.

Over the last few months I've had the privilege of doing just that with three colleagues I'm excited about partnering with to help each other build our individual businesses in a collaborative effort.

The power of the mastermind works because each participant in the group brings to it not just their expertise, knowledge and effort, but also a database of clients and prospects that like, trust and respect them. Because each person in the mastermind has the trust and respect of their database they are open to sampling a product in any new venture. Thus all members of the Mastermind group automatically receive exposure to 3 times as many potential prospects as they may have otherwise if just marketing their business by themselves. This works exceptionally well, if the Mastermind partners have complimentary and non-competitive businesses (although as proven with our mastermind group, even partners in what could be viewed as competitive businesses enter the group with an open mind and look for ways to compliment each other, and carve out specific types of business they want to focus on attracting from the group effort).

Having just completed our first workshop I'm excited about the possibilities and look forward to the power of this Mastermind Group. If you'd like to see the fruits of our labor, go to .

What other business professionals in your area do you know, like, trust and respect that you could collaborate with and create a Mastermind Group that would propel your business to the next level of success, quicker than you could do it on your own? Make a list now, and set a goal to create your Mastermind Group within the next 90-days and look forward to a fall filled with even greater "momentum."

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